Monday, February 12, 2018

Sia & Sergio

Sia & Sergio

Oh...we need more romance.

We haven't gone anywhere since Christmas. Granted, we are still getting over that trip to the states. But it would be so nice to get to the beach. Heaven knows, no one would be there since the Winter Olympics are in full throttle.

But its the most romantic week of Winter? Valentines day on the way.

Who wants to clean out closets and go to the place where we can get toilet paper for a year... I would rather be dancing..maybe..

or just with Sergio.

Although, he does like watching all those winter sports on TV. What do you with a guy like that?

I guess I'm not the only one.

I could be working extra hours. But I don't want too. Guess, I need ME time..or maybe just Sergio time.

But what would we do? I'm afraid I would find him watching the tube and I would be finding a good read on my tablet.

- Sia

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