Saturday, April 7, 2018

nothing survives

OK, I'm not gonna deny it, I am going through Polyvore withdrawal. I don't think people realize the site and community was so much more than fashion. Most of us were not there for fashion, but for friendships and creativity.

Honestly, I would have never worn any of those high-end wardrobes. I'm either thrifting or going out to a sale at Forever 21, um maybe once a year. I get what need at Wal-mart.

But I found Polyvore as a tool I could use while blogging. I enjoyed the creative aspect of collages. There were so many real artists there. And NO nothing about fashion.

I had felt on edge this week. One person had been hacked on the site and her sets were deleted. Many were upset about this, but I felt it might be bigger. It might be coming where the whole site would go. I can imagine it being that prosperous. If it were making lots of money, I don't think the Polyfamily would want to sell out so fast. Also the Internet seems to have a lot more regulations in place than we probably know. And the Internet just isn't nearly as fun as it used to be. Especially, feeling you are being watched in everything you do.

This is probably only the beginning in this vast world economy of ours as more things tumble and fall to pieces in this bleak web of ours.

Nothing last forever.

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