Wednesday, June 7, 2023

A Fan & Kate Story prt. 1


"What are you talking about?" It was news to Fan to find out Ollie was such big friends with Matt who just so happened to be her Sorority sister's bestie. Maybe it was more than that with Kate and Matt, but she had a feeling that maybe..maybe Ollie just had a man crush.

"No, I'm serious." He winced as if she had no faith in him as they were walking across campus. "We're going to the Poconos."

"Poconos?" It sounded so foreign to Fan. Was he kidding her? And he was paying for the trip too! She wanted to know how that happened? He never had money.

 He told her he was renting a car. They could get there by midnight if they headed out early on a Friday afternoon. "I'll drive. I know the way, my uncles have a place up there."

"Hmmm.." was about all Fan can say as she put her hands on her hips as if she might sashay away from the whole event. Of course, he said Kate was on board with it.

"How do you even know them?" She winced back as if she certainly hadn't introduced them.

"On campus," he shrugged. Ollie had lunch with Matt on occasion. "They're film students, you know." He sighed as if she was making this a hard sale of some kind. "He says I've got character." He smirked. After all, he was already on someone's mood board for a short film. They just needed a great location to film.

"Really?" Fan gave him the eye. She hugged herself in her blue hoodie and cut-offs, standing in her trusty old sneakers. She acted as if she wasn't going, but of course, he pulled her close and said she better start packing for the weekend trip.

So off they went in the white SUV rental. Naturally, Fan told Kate she doubted Ollie could get out of the city. They sat in the back seat while the guys were in the front seat. 

"Oh, let him surprise you, will you?" She grinned about the matter. Of course, her camera was already ready to document their exit to the interstate. Fan only sighed back as she watched their way to the north, leaving the city behind. 

"It's just, sometimes I feel you both know him better than I do," Fan said he was such a mystery to her.

"I'm so happy you met him. He's got a lot of charm. He's more than a cutie, you know." Kate assured her. "He seems to be rather fond of you."

"Really?" Fan wanted to know more but didn't want Kate to think she was the selfish sort. She opened a can of Ollie's favorite pop when he asked for one. Naturally, this was a trip on a band-aid budget. She hoped they made it to their destination. She listened to Matt and Ollie talk like old mates of some sort. Of course, it was Matt with the cool Aussie accent while Ollie seemed to want to get into character.

Fan made a duck face. Perhaps her boy had multiple personality issues. Oh, why did she want to diagnose him so badly? It wasn't long until she fell asleep listening to the both of them talk about the wilds of upstate New York. Ollie knew of a bear who liked beer and donuts. 

When Fan awoke, it was dark and she was certain she had made it to a horror film. There were little single-room cabins lined up in the woods, like something from the fifties, perhaps. Had they reached Shady Pines, somehow?

Fan, of course, was in no mood to meet anyone, but his uncles greeted them as if they'd been hoping for some sort of celebration. Fan only winced. It was so hard to play the girlfriend, perhaps. Especially, when she felt as if she'd been put on the spot.

"Oh yes, he talks about you all the time," both reached for her hand as if she was part of the family already. She gave them a big-eyed look. Thankfully, they turned to Kate and Matt as if they were so glad they were here, too.

"We hope you two will like the accommodations," Uncle Fred smiled. "The place does have a lot of character."

Matt looked to Kate. "I can't wait to see it in the daylight." He was so jovial. Naturally, they went with Fred to find their cabin.

"Well, shall we?" He took Fan's hand as if he didn't want to lose her in the dark. Fan looked around. She was wide awake now. Really, she wasn't looking to bed down anytime soon. Instead, she wanted to stretch, but he was talking about all the things to do here, like hiking. "Oh, and there's the waterfall." He smiled back. Fan couldn't help but smile too. What did Ollie think they'd be up to?


  1. Eu adorei a imagem do post com dois atores que eu conheço e gosto! ♥♥♥ Bom restinho de semana!

  2. Hmm, this is interesting. This might be a neat trip! She certainly has some reservations, but maybe it will all work out.

    Love seeing Sebastian stan and Chris in the collage. :)

  3. Genial fragmento te mando un beso.

  4. Oh, Shady Pines again, ha ha! Love that! Also, I have no trouble picturing Ollie starring on someone's mood board. Levity aside, though, I hate that Fan has a bad feeling about this camping trip. Because those kind of feelings are rarely wrong. I just hope that whatever's up blows over quickly! 😮🌲😮🌲😮🌲😮🌲😮🌲😮🌲😮🌲


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