Sunday, August 6, 2023

On a writer's note


It might sound like I'm a little mental as I write this, but I thought I would hit on inspirations with characters. True, I am one who usually has a story brewing with conversations. Of course, it helps to have a movie..or maybe a TV show going in my head. 

I was thinking back to one of my favorite prototypes of characters. Usually, it's someone slightly similar to me. And, finally, I remembered someone on Guiding Light (light years ago). And now when I see Hayden it's a lot like looking at an old friend of mine who got married again, recently. 

Of course, most of my stories that are Haden-related were domestic stories. I wouldn't call them romances. Oh, she was, of course, a troubled lass with many loves and usually stuck with someone she shouldn't be with. Throw in an anti-hero that no one would look at twice and well, lets write some trite and obscure story. But looking back at Melissa Hayden now, I wondered what had happened to this Young Adult actress who is well-noted on the soap opera as sometimes sweet, but not always.

As the decades rolled on, there was Tatianna Maslany for inspiration. Of course, I am always happy to see her faceclaim in other people's stories too. And it's great to know she is in the She-Hulk series now. Although, I think she is so much more than that. She can be so animated and yet cold and calculating too.  I always wanted to see her in something with yet a French Canadian actor (Marc-André Grondin). 

Oh course, I find a lot of inspiration everywhere for characters. Yet sometimes, it's good to know what that voice looks like that's helping you along the way.


  1. Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  2. I loved Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black. I misssss that show...

  3. A mi tambien me inspiran algunos actores Y como tu Tatiana Maslany es una inspiración en especial en mi nueva novela. Te mando un beso.

    1. I am also inspired by some actors And like your Tatiana Maslany is a special inspiration in my new novel. I send you a kiss.💕🌸💕🖤thanks so much for your comment!

  4. What a cool post! Your inspirations are fascinating, and I love that so much moves you. On another note, I'm so glad you enjoyed that banana split . . . especially with it being your birthday week! Happy belated; I hope it was awesome!🎉🎈🎂🎁💖🍨✨🎊


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