It might sound like I'm a little mental as I write this, but I thought I would hit on inspirations with characters. True, I am one who usually has a story brewing with conversations. Of course, it helps to have a movie..or maybe a TV show going in my head.
I was thinking back to one of my favorite prototypes of characters. Usually, it's someone slightly similar to me. And, finally, I remembered someone on Guiding Light (light years ago). And now when I see Hayden it's a lot like looking at an old friend of mine who got married again, recently.
Of course, most of my stories that are Haden-related were domestic stories. I wouldn't call them romances. Oh, she was, of course, a troubled lass with many loves and usually stuck with someone she shouldn't be with. Throw in an anti-hero that no one would look at twice and well, lets write some trite and obscure story. But looking back at Melissa Hayden now, I wondered what had happened to this Young Adult actress who is well-noted on the soap opera as sometimes sweet, but not always.
As the decades rolled on, there was Tatianna Maslany for inspiration. Of course, I am always happy to see her faceclaim in other people's stories too. And it's great to know she is in the She-Hulk series now. Although, I think she is so much more than that. She can be so animated and yet cold and calculating too. I always wanted to see her in something with yet a French Canadian actor (Marc-André Grondin).
Oh course, I find a lot of inspiration everywhere for characters. Yet sometimes, it's good to know what that voice looks like that's helping you along the way.
Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI loved Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black. I misssss that show...
ReplyDeleteA mi tambien me inspiran algunos actores Y como tu Tatiana Maslany es una inspiración en especial en mi nueva novela. Te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteI am also inspired by some actors And like your Tatiana Maslany is a special inspiration in my new novel. I send you a kiss.💕🌸💕🖤thanks so much for your comment!
DeleteWhat a cool post! Your inspirations are fascinating, and I love that so much moves you. On another note, I'm so glad you enjoyed that banana split . . . especially with it being your birthday week! Happy belated; I hope it was awesome!🎉🎈🎂🎁💖🍨✨🎊