Saturday, September 16, 2023

Lake Story


It was kind of a crazy thing. Of course, Stella wasn't sure she wanted to talk about it. She'd soon forget.

Of course, she knew she was too old to even think it. But yeah, it was something with Dean. Of course, they were both well in their thirties and everyone laughed at them. After all, they had nowhere to go to reminisce about their teen romance.

She was back home with her little Tobey and helped her mom make food for the neighborhood. It was easier that way, making meals for the neighbors in their own kitchen instead of renting a place they couldn't afford. Yeah, they were getting by.

But she just wasn't ready for Dean to sleep over. It seemed they made do with cars. Of course, they didn't have sex in other mother's car. That was for delivering food. And yes, she meant to go back to college or get some kind of fast degree, but there was Dean to fool around with.

He was really good with remaking bodies down at the auto shop. It was good money, but he lived with his brother and no way was she going to his basement. It was just for the summer anyway. Yes, it felt she might never find a newfound purpose after losing Tobey's dad to that rich woman in the city. Tobey was only four and didn't really know him anyway. So everything was fine. It was fine at her mother's.

And she could be with Dean in cars. Of course, this meant long drives, scouting out places where to go, and how long could they stay. Should they just get a room? Oh, they fussed about it a good bit and then they'd want each other. It felt impossible to be alone.

So they went to that lake nobody went to. After all, it might as well be just a mud puddle in the pine trees. It was nothing special. Still, it was moonlight. Only, Stella thought she might be seeing two moons instead of one when they got out and sat on the hood of Dean's basic tan sedan.

She wanted to tell him they didn't need each other. It was best if she left him to some young thing he could start a family with. Still, she knew he'd make a mess of things. After all, his neck was nuzzled into the right corner of her neck and she was certain those love marks would be something Tobey would ask her about.

Finally, she got the notion to do it. "Let's go skinny-dipping," Stella made a run for it and shucked her clothes along the way. Naturally, Dean followed like a loyal dog and there they were in the moonlight like so long ago. Yes, they knew this very spot well and it hadn't changed a bit. 

Although, she sensed autumn coming. The ground was hot and humid but like something mystic, she felt the coolness of a new phase coming. She dipped into the water and Dean's hands were on her. It was true, he wouldn't let anything happen to her. She'd always trusted that. Maybe they were soulmates.

Oh, it was an amazing feeling as she wrapped herself around him, kissing like there would be no tomorrow. Yet, she shed a few tears. Were they really right for each other?

"If only..."

"What?" He came up for air as his kisses went low on her slippery body.

"If..if only you were like me," she could barely utter the words. She squinted, thinking his logic was just that of a teenager. Couldn't they get past these one-night quickies? Was it all her fault?

It wasn't long until they made it to the back seat. He was on bottom. She was on top. The air was hot and thick with humidity. It was hard to say if they were still wet from the lake or just a sweat.

One thing was true, they knew each other and she knew exactly where this was headed and this was what they'd come to do. But when she looked up, she noticed the hand coming through the window and it was for her.

Stella's eyes lit. She moved away from Dean.

"What is it?" Dean winced back.

Stella felt herself shaking. She knew exactly who he was, but her mouth wouldn't move.

"I've been waiting for you," he said. He was holding her clothes. It was as if it was truly time to wake up and be who she was supposed to be.


  1. Woah- is she dreaming???

    Stella feels like she's in a groove that on the one hand she can't get out of, but on the other hand maybe she doesn't want to, or her and Dean are good for each other? Kinda? Is she only in town for the summer?

    I hope the sale went well today. :)

    1. That's wild that that's partly a true story? And ooh cloning- I love the idea! Stories with multiple interpretations are the best. :)

      Yeah go Lily and Boone!! :):)

  2. Ay, Yash. Some annoying interruption!

  3. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  4. This is so romantic and poignant and wistful and then POW! -- summer's over, and suddenly it's Halloween. I love all the unanswered questions surrounding this creepy and mysterious interloper! πŸŒΈπŸ’πŸŒΌπŸπŸ‚πŸŽƒ

  5. so cool


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