Friday, August 30, 2024

A long Weekend


Do you have a long weekend ahead? 

Today, our old library closes and we start our move on Tuesday. It hasn't really hit me. I guess. Although, I know we will be busy.

I also am wearing a sensor this week to see if I might have to be put on insulin. I have had some bouts of pancreatitis. It isn't terribly severe. At least, I hope not. But even the specialist I saw says I have signs of it. 

I might have to go on insulin. The sensor hasn't been too bad. And it would be good if I can read my blood sugar this way instead of stick tests. The nights are the worst for me. It is hard for me to sleep. Or I keep waking up every few hours.

Like last night I went right to sleep. I woke up refreshed thinking it was about five in the morning. It was only 10:30. Eventually, I went back to sleep and had some strange dreams being lost in the hospital with a toddler, no less. 

Anyway, I may have to learn a few new things. I'm not sure I can plug this sensor in, every two weeks. 

Meanwhile, we have a family get together sometime this weekend. I'm kind of dreading that. I better make myself a big salad.


  1. It will be long for me, indeed.

  2. We have a long weekend! Good luck with your treatment, if you have to go on insulin make the best of it.

  3. Disfruta el fin de semana. Te mando un beso

  4. Good luck with your treatment my dear, wish you a happy weekend.

  5. Tomara que dê tudo certo e que você durma melhor.Boa sorte! Salada é excelente! Beijos! (‾◡◝)

  6. I hope you have a great long weekend! And good luck with the insulin issues. I'm going through some of that too. Have to watch my sugar now.

    Noreal plans for the weekend.


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