Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ren & Wade


Wade rode shotgun and Ren stayed in the backseat with dead stare Sabrina aka the sex doll. At least when they got to Village Inn they could wheel her in with the tidy chair Roni pushed.

"It's gonna be fine," Ren said to Wade who was hesitant to even go in. 

"Everybody will be watching us," he whispered.

"Let them watch," she took his hand and led the way with Roni behind them taking care of Sabrina's every move. Of course, he said sweet nothings to her.

"Just don't look." 

Ren pulled him close. Wade kept even-lipped. He'd taken off the coat and was sporting the vest as if he might just be finished lecturing a lecture at the nearby University. Finally, after a few minutes of waiting they were led to the back in a booth. Naturally, Sabrina stood out like a sore thumb, but they went on as if it were just a double date of some sort.

The waiter asked what Sabrina wanted after taking their drink order.

"Didn't she tell you?" Roni held on to the menu as if he might hide behind it, yet he stood up for his dear Sabrina who sat there not looking at any of them, but the silver napkin box at the end of the table.

"I don't think I heard her," the waitress said.

"Oh, she does have quiet voice," Wade looked to Ren for her approval and she gave a nod.

"She'll have iced tea with lemon," Roni told her they both liked tea with lemon.

"And I just wanted water," Wade gave a quick smile.

"You, have had plenty of caffeine today," Ren smiled.

"And you didn't?"

Wade's forehead tensed as he hugged himself. Suddenly, he was on to something.

"Look, if you are gonna stay at my place, I'll need some rent." His serious look gave Roni a bug-eyed stare.

"What? What sort of rent?"

"Well, are you gonna be there for the winter?"

Roni shrugged.

"It gets cold out there, but until then..if..if you could give me enough for a window unit."

"Window unit?" Roni was still startled.

"AC." Wade clarified it was still hot and quite the oven at Ren's.

"Oh, sure, not a problem." Roni nodded.

"Don't do that."

Ren practically kicked Wade's shin under the table. She couldn't help but be in a huff. "Roni doesn't even have a job."

"Well, he could. He should be in charge of the coffee bar."

Wade snubbed her attitude and it made Roni smile more. 

"You think Miss Lily would mind?" Roni was a little puzzled. Of course, there was food to order and Ren insisted they order the V.I.P breakfast together (her and Wade).

"All I want is the pancakes," she said. 

Of course, the burger and fries that Roni ordered Sabrina went cold. She knew Wade was eyeing it, even if he did have sausage, bacon, and eggs. However, Roni boxed it up. Maybe Sabrina would want it later.


  1. Love their story, remembers me of ren and stimpy:-)

    1. Thanks for reading and your comment. I wasn't sure how to continue..but I like where it's going.

  2. Uy es una linda pareja. Te mando un beso.

  3. Your stories help me with a bad day, today was a really bad day but your blogs are always a safe place
    Kisses ♥

    1. Oh, you are so kind. Thank you for your comment!

  4. I liked the story. Thanks for sharing it, greetings.


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