Friday, July 27, 2012

Notes from the Closet

Things are heating up on Jane By Design. Well, For everyone it seems but for Jane(Erica Dasher). However, she did get to take a trip to London, hoping to get Jeremy(Rowly Dennis) back to do designs the company needs where Jane works.

Janeby design
I bet they’re waiting for Billy and Jane to finally get together and then they’re gonna announce that they’re officially together in real life. 
I will go down with this ship.-BOOM
Hopefully, Teri Hatcher will be back to play MOM.

 Jane is home alone. Her brother off living his baseball dream and her Mom with a new love somewhere in the sunset.

Jeremy, well, I used to really not care too much for him, but i feel kind of bad for him. i really hope he comes back in the second season (WHICH THERE BETTER BE ONE) anywho, jeremy’s adorable and i really like that he values his friendship with jane-envy perfection

Billy WHAT THE F...?! I tolerated your “I dont belong with them” speech the first time, I started to cover my ears the second and every single time following and now yet again, you are oblivious to the fact that you are irrevocably in love with JANE QUIMBY. Not Lulu or Zooey (Did you have sex with her? I have not a clue because the next “heated scene” was with Eli and India?!?!)- the closet satellite

 And just when you thought maybe Billy(Nick Roux) woke up and needed Jane ..since he is having a week sleepover with her)..He and Zoe seemed to have made amends. But, he might be in trouble after the EPIC party he had at Jane's house while everyone was away.


Why? Why Eli? No just no. I thought that Jane and Eli thing would work but nooooo he had to get with India (which was totally surprising! I thought at first it was Zoe and Billy and would’ve accepted that more than Eli x India). My glimmer of hope for him flicked out and I can honestly say that while I (still) will wish for him and Jane to get together, It probably won’t happen. Do you think he’ll be like Jeremy- leaving after Jane finds out about their affair(s) with India?-waterobessed


And OH THE find out who Eli is in bed with.

Eli thought he was too YOUNG for her party? Yup. In all honesty, 16 year old Janey Quimby is too YOUNG for you buddy. DONT SLEEP WITH INDIA!!! First Jeremy, now Eli. And just in the last episode Jane and Eli were kissing by the hot dog stand… I am heartbroken right now.-the closet satellite

Next week season finale will probably be a cliffhanger.



  1. I really liked Eli and Jane together. I was in total shock about the Eli and India moment.

  2. I love Jane by design but am not a fan of her mom/Teri Hatcher. That story line just drags on!

  3. Oh I never got around to watching this show, but it looked cute!

  4. How have I never seen this show before?! I totally know that I'd love it! Definitely buying it on DVD when it's released! :)

  5. I have a little surprise on my blog:)

  6. im the only person who hasnt watched this show! I have to start tuning in!


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