Monday, February 28, 2022

Miles and miles....


What can I say? Miles Wei is a doll! And finding him in THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS just made me smile even more. He's the second lead. And for a character who comes off as the poor little rich boy he carries a certain sincerity that one wouldn't think of playing a character like that. But..not gonna lie..I'm wishing he'd get the girl. 

Oh, he's been in rom coms and period pieces in the Chinses landscape of dramas. And he always delivers even if it's a bit part in the bromance WORD OF HONOR. Naturally, you do take notice of his supportive character in FINDING YOURSELF. Of course, he won many fans over in Perfect & Casual

Yes, he's one to look for in Chinese Drama. Oh, and he's a pop singer too 💖


  1. Uau, ele é lindo!
    Não conhecia!


  2. Miles Wei does sound like a doll! It's not everyone who can put a sympathetic spin on a poor little rich boy. I can see why you'd want him to get the girl. :)


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