Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sunday Tidbits


Oh, I had a good three days off before I worked this weekend. Although, there were some ups and downs. At least, I got some fudge made with some ingredients I had on hand. I got the cheeseball actually into a ball. 

Thanksgiving was quaint. We went out. Actually, to the mess hall. We hadn't been back since the pandemic. Before it was so festive and officers filled Thanksgiving plates and there were so many veterans and young soldiers too. But this year it was very quiet, but there were people to greet us and show us around. And the food was good and the salad bar was fresh. Even containers for take home. 

Of course, there was that scary moment when someone who was supposed to pay for the meal left me hanging and my debit card was declined. Instantly, I was worried. So much so, that the next day I went out to the nearby store just to see if it worked. It did. Thankfully, someone came back and paid cash for the meal since we were paying for a few other meals too. Naturally, I crashed for a bit when I got home. 

I didn't really do a whole lot on Black Friday. Although, I had to make it to JoAnn's Fabrics and only gathered a couple of doorbuster items and headed for the checkout line. Thus, there was only one cashier and it's funny as I was standing there, instantly someone treats me like a long-lost friend. Before I knew it, I was having to stand by his cart because he forgot something. He comes back as I'm checking out, "Damn it, they didn't have it." 

Of course, I had to make it to 5 Below because I  had been eyeing a few things for some on my list. And by then, the crowd had left. I could tell there had been a crowd because it looked like the Tazmaine Devil might have spun through. But I found a few things. I got myself a furry pink bag, a manga puzzle that I hope challenges someone, a hedgehog that heats up and of course, socks. I have found a few graphic tees that some in the family have told me, "It's my new favorite shirt!"

That day I had gone out incognito in a wig because I was having a very bad hair day. And just as I got to a stoplight, I saw this car rushing up behind me and I'm thinking, "Oh God, please don't let that car hit my little car!" OK I might have said an R rated version of that...I look up in the rearview mirror and of course, it's family waving at me. 

A SCARY  THING HAPPENED ON BLACK FRIDAY. I got more exercise than I bargained for. I thought, "I need to take a walk. It's not that bad out here today." So I go where I usually go on our block. I know where the bad dogs live. I know my way around. I thought I might look in CVS for some snacks I might need this weekend. Then I remembered the German Shepherd. And I was imagining, what would I do if he did somehow come at me. I could sense the whole ordeal. Trying to get away from this beast because he's the largest German Shepherd I  have ever seen. It's all quiet as I take this shortcut down the back way to the store. Suddenly, I hear the barking and it makes me jump. I'm almost to the corner of the building. I turned to see him lunging practically over the fence. I wasn't sure if I should walk slowly or run. I ran. Of course, when I got in the store, I told the friendly cashier guy about the dog out back.

"There's a dog out back?" He looked concerned as if he didn't know there was one. After I got a few snacks, I headed home another way.


  1. Fudge sounds so good. I usually only get it once a year or so up north on vacation. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving (even with the pay thing). We have a 5 Below but I haven't been in there. I do like a lot of the graphic T's you can get now. they make great gifts. :)

    Yikes- that dog does sound scary!

  2. Good to hear about Thanksgiving. Black Friday was crazy here, busy everywhere!

  3. Uy me dio miedo lo del perro. Te mando un beso.

  4. Gostei de te ler.Suas peripécias!
    E a bolsa da imagem é linda!
    Beijos! :)

  5. Wow, you've been having some adventures! That sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving, minus the debit card debacle. And your Five Below finds sound so fun. That's one of the few stores I haven't been in since the pandemic, and now I want to go back. I'm so glad you didn't get hit by that car -- and that the family in it was just enamored with your wig! But that dog story takes the cake. That's a scary business. Made even scarier by the CVS worker's cluelessness. Stay safe out there! 🚫🐕


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