Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas🎅❄️🤶❤️🎄


 What do you like most about Christmas?

Christine: Just being together with family and friends. I really love having a festive time of food and lots of laughter and of course, gifts. I am a big kid after all. While it's a reminder to give back the rest of the year in random acts of kindness. It's a day to be thankful for those who have been there for me. Gage: Oh, it's evolved over the years. Many times I was in Foster care growing up and it was always nice to see those bringing us Christmas. It was a time to get along with one another, even if we usually weren't that fond of each other. Now, it's just watching my son open presents and seeing my mom happy after all this time. Of course, being family doesn't mean it has to be biological. It's just being included and knowing you are a part of that circle. But it's also a time to think about those in need too. And it could be that friend who has had too much to drink.


  1. Siempre hay que ser empatico. Espero que hayas tenido una linda noche buena. Te deseo una feliz navidad para ti y tu familia. Te mando un beso.

  2. As always, my heart goes out to Gabe. 🎄💖🎁💖


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