Friday, December 9, 2022

Oh, what a Friday

 We had an unexpected power outage at 2 in the morning. Word on the street: The cops were in a car chase and just a few houses down from us ..the car hit a highline post and split it in half. Power didn't come back until about 2 this afternoon. So it's a pretty cold house.

Thankfully, we went somewhere for coffee this morning. I'm not gonna's not easy finding your bra in the dark. I did manage to dress for work. We had just missed the ice storm yesterday, but it's still no picnic by any means. It's about 34 degrees out, as it is. So yes, it finally came on and even the furnace was cold. It kicked on immediately.

What's sad about these urban tales of criminal behavior, these kinds of things are more commonplace than ever.


  1. Uy cuidate mucho y anda con linterna. Te mando un beso.

  2. Yikes. I bet it ain't easy finding your bra lol! In my old house we kept head torches due to power-cuts. Only had one in this house that I have been aware of in 10 years! And it was during the night and cooker clock reset, that is how I knew!

  3. This one made me laugh! Thank goodness for coffee shops!


  4. Wow, what a mess! And that's not even counting the bra scavenger hunt. I hope you guys are back to being warm and toasty.


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