While I was at work this weekend, something that had been on a high shift for almost a year came tumbling down. A few minutes later a couple of books on the library HOLD SHELF fell to the floor. I found it peculiar. It made me think of the time when I was little and something rolled off the kitchen counter top. At that time, I felt a little dizzy. Later, I learned on the news there had been an earthquake. So of course, when I got home I turned on the news to see if there had been an earthquake. It was such devastating news to hear. And it just grows or parishes.
Praying for them
ReplyDeleteDa mucha pena lo que pasa en Turquía y Siria. Hay que orar por ellos. Te mando un beso. https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteThat's so eerie, Ellie, on the same day as the Turkey earthquake. Talk about your signs. I'm keeping Turkey -- and you -- in my thoughts.