Friday, April 14, 2023

Music Festival Diaries


Here comes the sun! The nights have felt endless. Finally, it's Saturday. And some ME TIME this morning with a warm shower. Here's hoping for a great night of music and fun! I was hoping to find Sarcastic Sounds, but he's in UK at the moment. Yes, I really wanted to talk with him about his songwriting and inspirations. I did spot Conan! But you know, he has a flock of fans. I did get to hang with Aidan Bissett. The dude came by when Kye was making burritos mid-morning. Oh, what a sweet smile. Yeah, he's really looking good at the music festival. Can't hardly wait to sing with him in his last set of the night❤️❤️❤️❤️ If all goes well, I might get to open for him sometime soon. Later, Zoe


  1. "Here comes the sun and I say it's alright" :)

    I didn't know Sarcastic Sounds was spotlighted by Lofi Girl. I like their stuff.

    Good luck with the show!

  2. Genial fragmento te mando un beso.

  3. Love this journal entry (?) from Zoe! I wonder what will happen with her and Kye? A music festival is a great setting for a new series, especially now, what with Coachella. 🎡🎸🌞🎡🎸🌞🎡🎸🌞🎡🎸🌞

    Also, thanks do much for your comments on Election. I had no idea that the movie was made in your neck of the woods; that's so cool! It's funny; both books are set in New Jersey (North Jersey, though, I think), but the movie is definitely in the Midwest. To add to the irony, there's plenty of bad press about NJ too, albeit for different reasons. I guess maybe the answer lies somewhere in the middle, e.g., that smalls towns, wherever they are, make great backdrops for not-so-small drama. πŸ“•πŸ“™πŸ“’πŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ˜


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