Monday, April 17, 2023

My weekend project

 I'm sure I should have been writing. But I finally took the plunge and decided I CAN DO THIS. Of course, looking old Skipper over and then going to trash to cut all those 90's blonde locks I wasn't so sure what to do. (Oh, it was like major surgery getting the head off which mean putting her in a a baggy and hanging her upside down in very hot water to proceed in getting the head off....putting back on wasn't easy either.)

So yeah, it's a long process. I came close to believing I had all the wrong tools. No way was that needle close pliers going to help. I was just not getting those hair plugs out. But I had some tiny scissors and scraped endlessly to get a bald head. All the while pulling the hair out with twizzers.

Rerooting with yarn can be gratifying yet with a few hang-ups. After all I had to use a yarn needle. This means poking a hole in the hole already there with a sharp needle. Believe me, it is a project that can take days, but I got it done in two. I didn't plug every hole with yarn since didn't want a puffy do. Also, this is a Skipper from the 90's and I feel sure the opening was smaller, but I haven't made a study of this..just yet.

I didn't want to take a new Barbie to try this on, just yet. Besides, I think I would only want to do this on rescue Barbies. Although, after talking to a friend recently who is going through loss of hair with her autoimmune disease, I would kind of like to do something like this for her. We talked about my sock creatures and how she had kept all the dolls I had made her. But it won't be this week nor this month that I attempt it. This kind of work can be rough on your hands. Still, I'm happy with the results and I'm glad I gave Skipper a makeover. It was good to accomplish a craft I have been wanting to do.


  1. I loved the project. When I was a child, I wanted to redesign the dolls but I couldn't. I loved how yours turned out.

  2. If I remember right getting those heads foo (or on again) CAN be tough. Not that I was in the habit of regilarly beheading dolls or anything. But sometimes they'd pop off and then it would be a bear getting 'em back on. anyway... moving on :)

    Looks great, I think you did a fabulous job

    1. So true about the heads. I put her head in first in a plastic baggie then in some very very hot make the head a wee bit swishy. I was afraid I would have to do it again just to put the head back on, but I worked with enough and got it on. It seems the space into the head was smaller in the 90's than now.. I'm amazed how people will customize their barbies. Believe me it's not something I would do every day.

    2. Can you imagine this conversation out of context? lol

      Anyway that's awesome :)

  3. Uy me gusto el resultado final. Te mando un beso.

  4. Oh my goodness, your "new" Skipper looks incredible! I can't believe what you had to go through to give her that 'do! You're so talented! I also love her black and white outfit; it's so crisp against her hair. And it's very sweet that you want to help your friend; I can't imagine what it would be like to be sick like that. She's so lucky to have you! 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀


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