Saturday, July 29, 2023

It's been hot!

 What a way to end July! Yesterday, I got off at 10 am. and didn't have to work today due to a watermain break in our parking lot. From what I hear it was hard for the water guys to turn off the toilets in the building and now they can't get them turned on. I knew the plumbing would be our biggest problem in the end. Now the parking lot has been broken up, but hopefully tomorrow the library will be open.

Meanwhile, I'm lost in an amigurumi cat pattern. I don't think I can manage the kit. I did find the Loaf Cat Pattern that is much I might just do that one instead. Why is it I can procrastinate about things that people want me to make? Honestly, I seldom go by a pattern when I crochet. I guess I'm a freestyle crocheter. Although, I'm afraid it might look more like a mouse than a cat by the time I'm finished.

I did watch Barbie for a second time with a friend I haven't seen most of the summer. Somehow, I feel our friendship is strained. Sometimes, you can't always be on the same wave length as somebody else. As I recall, she was a very hard person to get to know. All the while, I really don't think she knows me at all. 

Of course, there was that time I made the mistake of giving my take on LOST when we had our end-of-LOST lunch to discuss the show. She was furious with me when I said, "Maybe he was dying all along on the shore of the beach and this what was going through his mind." So I guess you can see we don't see eye to eye on TV shows. She likes all those Housewives of L.A. shows while I prefer only good dramas and these days Korean and Chinese which makes her feel I have given up on American TV. 

But just like they said in that Barbie movie, "Things change."  Of course, I don't make things change too much at home. I'm still procrastinating. Not wanting to use a glue gun when I really need to glue something. I know, just do it. But then I remember..oh, I'd rather be writing.

Maybe this is a good time to have a margarita too..or a Coke float. Hope everyone is keeping cool during this HEAT WAVE.

I'll leave you with a little ditty I wrote back in 2017. It's not much, but I'm glad I dug it up.

Sushi got the idea from an old K-drama. Of course, Caleb couldn't say for sure if her real name was Sushi, but it sounded that way to him, and he did have the Vodka. It might not have been Maxim's coffee, but still, it was quite an experiment in his kitchen..until the power went out.

First, they bumped into each other. That's when he noticed Sushi got intoxicated so easily.

It wasn't until they got outdoors on the street that Caleb noticed she was only in her undies, even if her overalls covered her.

He almost had a panic attack. Would somebody try to have a chance with the girl across the hall aka Sushi?

He took her hand.

"Maybe..maybe I should visit your Mom, like you said." He'd put it off until now. Now, he wanted to be her hero, the boyfriend she could count on.


  1. Sorry about your friend, drifting apart maybe

  2. Que pena lo de tu biblioteca Lindo ratocinto te mando un beso .

  3. Oh wow all kinds of problems at the library! I still haven't seen Barbie but I know the feeling when you feel like you're drifting away from someone. And I feel like I'm giving up on American TV sometimes too. Or just broadening horizons...

    That crocheting looks so fascinating!

    A margarita sounds good... or a Coke. Ice cold ahhh. Or a float. Maybe an ice cold A&W root beer in my frosted A&W mug...

    Great point about climate warming- I like to think of those extension of life things, but you're right climate change does add wrinkes!

  4. So sorry about your friend.

  5. Sorry to hear about the water main break -- what doesn't go on at that library?! Also, your cats are so cute! I know what you mean about procrastinating about making things that people request. I used to do that too. It's one of the reasons I stopped doing custom orders.

    I enjoyed reading about Sushi and Caleb. And I'm so glad you finally got that Coke float! 😁🥤😻


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