Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Beach House 🌸 Rachel


Huck was scrambling about with the avocados while Lenny was still chatting away about yesterday at the beach while sipping hot black coffee from the Keurig that Cobie brought over a few days ago with a supply of little cups.

"I don't know what you were waiting for," Lenny said all was right with the swelling wave and he'd just ditched it.

Huck was silent. Yes, a part of him relied on silence. He was built that way. Although, he knew exactly what he had to do was to get back to Rachel before she ever went into the water. And thank, God he made it in the neck of time. Lenny had the leash out trying it on her bare ankle.

"I wasn't waiting for anything," Huck snapped looking back at the surfer still in cut-offs and no shirt. "She's my girlfriend." He said ever so quickly. He closed his eyes wondering what had he gotten himself into. 

A part of his brain was on rewind, thinking of the elements, thinking of the nature of the foamy waters, and then like escaping a big gulp in the ocean, he was back on shore as if he should have been by Rachel's side all along.

Idiot. He thought of himself now. "I'll teach her. I'll teach her everything she needs to know, because..well, she's with me. Not anyone else." Funny, how he'd expressed it so soundly, maybe angry. It was like something tingled in the pit of his stomach at that moment and he couldn't stop himself from getting into a shouting match with someone he really did respect.

Naturally, Rachel looked as if she was in shock during the whole ordeal and Lenny had backed off like a frightened pup. 

Now, Huck was busy smashing avocados with fresh tomato, onions, cilantro, and lime juice. Lenny wanted vegan burritos for breakfast.

Huck kept busy. He'd let Rachel sleep in. It was the least he could do. After all, they were pushed in together to make room for the others who would be here today. Huck winced, how long could they keep this up.

She wasn't any better of an actor than she was. He knew she didn't like this any more than he did. She didn't have her side of the room now. They were really together. Never in his wildest dream did he think it would come to this, but it was as if Lenny had an open invitation to all his dudes.

Suddenly, Huck was suspicious of him.

"Relax, old boy," Lenny came up from behind him with a toothy grin and slap across his shoulder. It was as if Huck better be ready for the next text of some kind. Huck did his best with a congenial nod and handed the burrito over to Lenny.

At this rate, Huck was certain he and Rachel were going to have to take turns sleeping in that bed or get their act together.


  1. Hmm... close quarters. I wonder if Rachel sees it the same way- them as together. Avocados, cilantro, lime ,,, yummy.

    Reminds me maybe of the surfing scene in Point break when Tyler tries to teach Johnny how to surf :)

    Thank you for your comments! I had to alugh about the tequila! That doesn't sound half bad! We're having burgers. Hope the ribbies are delicious. It's been nonstop over here with the rockets. And that aromatherapy sounds awesome.

  2. Well, well, well! What an interesting way for Huck and Rachel to get together! I guess sometimes it takes a third party to for a smitten dude to make the leap. Even if, in this case, Huck acted "just" to protect Rachel from Lenny. Their summer will never be the same! 🌊🌯πŸ₯‘πŸŒžπŸ’–

  3. Hum...aventuras de verΓ£o numa casa de praia!
    Boa semana! :) <3

  4. Genial fragmento. Me dio hambre te mando un beso. https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/


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