Monday, October 2, 2023

Hello October!


Wishing for more Sweater Weather here! Although, I feel the world is changing so anything can happen. Unfortunately, more scary things are about too. I don't even want to mention them. Yet, some things still prevail. Like a co-worker is already expecting their first baby and they have only been married a month!

As they say, October is a magical month! However, still waiting for those leaves to change colors. Wishing you a beautiful month of gatherings, treats and some pumpkin spice that you enjoy. Well..on to a writing prompt story!


It really was a snoozefest between Miss Ross and the dark element of surprise in her college artwork along with Lizzy being the tell-all of who was and was not vaping. And what was in that vape, anyway? 

Truly, I  had my doubts about a lot of things. Was that all there is? Yes, I had found that old song on YouTube and it was simmering in my head as one of my favorite tunes. Of course, I had been listening to Aly and AJ lately which was full of break-up melodies. Naturally, I had never broken up with anyone or got together with them, either.

And then Jared showed up. I'd always wanted to meet a Jared. Of course, I read Jared for pop news anyway. Not that he looked a thing like I imagined a Jared could be. Of course, the goth kid might as well have been an emu in our little school. 

Sure the girls gawked. I heard Lizzy whisper, "I bet he's got money." Right before he plopped himself in the seat next to my desk.

I bit into the bottom of my Sharpie pin and black spewed against my dry lips. He was just too close for comfort. 

He lifted a pretty big jar of liquid from his backpack. I squinted for a look, but it was just muddy water. although, something slithered about.

"I found it in the river this morning," he told us.

"Is it poisonous?" I sucked in a breath.

Jared cracked a grin. "Of course, it is," he chuckled. "It's a cottonmouth."

I sat back in my seat and looked away. Except, I couldn't stop looking. I squinted hard imagining the venom in this creature. It was so frightening. I could hardly stand it. What if the cottonmouth somehow escaped?

 About then, he brought it over to my desk so I could get a closer look. Of course, I squirmed.  Miss Ross was too busy on brush strokes to even notice.

My lips wiggled, wondering just how to get out of this one. 

Jared said I had something on my lip. His thumb brushed against the Sharpie ink faster than I could move. Funny, how it had such a calming effect. Could he have venom, somehow, on his fingers?

I pressed my lips tight trying my best to look away, but I already had a pet name for him in my head. SNAKE.

Why oh why couldn't I fall for the handsome fellows? Instead, I was always curious about the strange ones and only the dark beauty only I could see that was far from the IN crowd.

"Want to go out?" Jared asked.

I didn't think he was serious. I laughed at him. "You're a funny guy," I couldn't stop the laughter. He smiled back as if I was the one.

 Little did I know that going out would mean he was just an environmental scientist, who knew which weeds were edible on a nature walk.


  1. I need to get some pumpkin spice latte. I saw a pumpkin soup recipe yesterday too that looked good.

    I started PArallel World last night.

    Lol about the vaping. Is it all the rage now? And holy sh&t a cotton moth?? This was fun. I love that he asked her to go out and she thought he meant going OUT.

  2. Feliz outubro pra nós!
    Boa semana!
    Beijos! :)

  3. Oh, this in interesting! So dark and angsty! I loved this part:

    "Why oh why couldn't I fall for the handsome fellows? Instead, I was always curious about the strange ones and only the dark beauty only I could see that was far from the IN crowd."

    I don't think there's a woman alive who hasn't felt this way at least once. So when it turns out that Snake, er, Jared, just wants to take the narrator out on a nature walk, it's a real surprise! I bet she loses interest real fast . . . 🎨🖤😮

    Your banana pudding sounds delicious! But then, anything with condensed milk, regular milk, and whipped cream always is. Even if, as you hinted, condensed milk does appear unappetizing, at least when still in the can. 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌


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