Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Winter Begonia

 Perhaps the last great Bromance of Chinese Drama. The novel its based on is BL. But I felt it was a well-done drama of the 30's in China when they were on the brink of war with Japan. 

This is a Chinese Opera drama. It gives you the idea that the Chinese have loved their entertainment for centuries. Most that were in Chinese Opera were sold into the house at a young age. And they did have to sacrifice a lot from learning to dance, moves, make up, and of course, voice.

Now for me, a Chinese Opera song is cringeworthy. I think I enjoy the instruments more. On occasion, I had liked some of the modernization of it. 

This is the story of Shang the opera performer and Cheng the businessman of status. Of course, these days are numbered of happiness with the Japanese occupation looming (1937). And Cheng has always loved the opera. But he'd never met Brilliant until he knew Shang and of course, Shang worries about his acts, not so much about keeping the Opera House in order. He also has a temper. And it seems the only one who wants to listen to his woes and past is Cheng. 

Now granted it is a bromance. Not BL. For the era it is in it has a very historical feel. 

Initially, the reason I wanted to see this drama was to watch Tan Jian Ci's performance, but that doesn't come until much later. Truly, he knows all the cultural dances. He is a fantastic performer as well. Although, he and the ML Opera Singer Yin Zheng look a bit alike in Opera Makeup.

Truly this is Yin Zheg's drama. We get to see so many sides of him. And this story takes us on a trip of what those in China lived through at that time. It was also where East meets West and the transition of modern culture is a mix of status. Those who are rich dress more like Westerners, while the poor still wear what they are accustomed to.

A part of me hopes Yin has left his homeland behind, but I am certain he won't. He is actually a Chameleon and yet a character actor, too. 


  1. Good to learn about Chinese drama.

  2. I didn't know this one so thank you so much for sharing this great post
    Kisses ♥

  3. The 30's era is fascinating. I was first exposed to it in Tintin's The Blue Lotus, since it's not somethig taught in school and the whole Shaghai and internationalist zone and all that.

  4. Awesome to learn about Chinese drama.

  5. Parece genial y muy interesante, Te mando un beso.

  6. So glad you enjoyed this one! The costumes look fantastic, and are no doubt enhanced by their symbolism. 🖤💙


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