Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Cade & Mercer



How do you think Harley and Brick are doing these days?

Mercer: Oh, she's really mysterious lately. Not herself at all (He shakes his head no)

Cade: What do you mean? (He shoots a look to Mercer on the interview couch that he doesn't know what he's talking about) She seems fine to me.

Mercer: Ever since Halloween, she seems different. (Mercer is serious no smile slips)

Cade: (sighs) There can't be anything wrong, there can't be. (he winces) Brick has been by her for a very long time now. He cares about her, so much. He's always worried she's eating the wrong thing. He follows her around like he might be putting everything in a food diary or something. (Cade shrugs)

Mercer: Maybe that's the problem. She doesn't need that. She needs a boyfriend. (Cade's eyes are lit)

Cade: What are you getting at? (Cade looks at him out of the corner of his eye.)

Mercer: It's just (he grits a grin) Brick's her boyfriend ..and you know, just do boyfriend things. Leave her alone.

Cade: She has dibetes. I would be worried too. (he swells a frown as if he has a lot to worry about Mercer).

Mercer: (Mercer looks up a the ceiling to keep from rolling his eyes) This isn't about us. (He glares back at Cade)

Cade: See, we can't have perfectly romantic relationships. We can't always make the other person happy. It's getting through the little things before they become big things.


  1. Other amazing post
    Thanks for sharing!!!
    Kisses ♥

  2. Oh I love how we're getting this form THEIR perspective! And interesting how they see it totally different! I love these.

    I agree about knowing what they'd be up to now. Those covers... they just tell a story. Talk about story prompts. And yes- they turned so many into readers.

    I am hoping your librarian does well. I am much better. Feel almost normal! Still sleeping lots. How are you? Hope you are doing well

    1. I hope you stay Covid free with all the people around you having it. Yes thanksgiving is getting close! And I feel the same way. It used t obe you had to stay out for quite a while, now people come back quicker. Are they spreading it? I know we can treat it better now, but still...

    2. Thanks, me too. We have another session tomorrow night with the writer's group, but I plan on missing it too. I have a big dental appointment tomorrow..hopefully, that will go smoothly.

  3. So interesting to hear Cade and Mercer's thoughts on Brick and Harley! I've always been team Brick, but Mercer makes a good point about Brick maybe being too overprotective. I'll be waiting to see how this one shakes out! 🤔💖


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