Tuesday, November 14, 2023



1876, 10-year-old Sixiang is sold for a bag of rice after a typhon hit her village and suffering from famine. She is sent to Gold Mountain (California) to have a better life while also trying to find her father who disappeared years ago.

"Set against the backdrop of the expanding American West, Chun’s haunting saga honors the resilience among 19th-century Chinese immigrants despite the horrors they faced." —Becky Meloan, The Washington Post

Take a dip into historical fiction. Ye Chun's recent work is Hao a book of her short stories. And now a novel. Naturally, it is a book full of hardships. And it's full of Chun's wonderful prose too. There are various POVs in the novel too.

“Ye Chun’s riveting debut novel, Straw Dogs of the Universe, moves seamlessly through several decades in the late 19th century, following four Chinese immigrants as they attempt to start anew in Gold Mountain. The constant search for home and for family underlies it all, and Ye Chun’s mesmerizing prose brings their stories—of hope and hardship and love—to unforgettable life.” —Laura Spence-Ash, author of Beyond That, the Sea


  1. Souns excellent. That era is so fascinating and the things they had to go through...

    I'm going to get a test. Pretty sure I have it. My voice has been so haorse everyone says I sound weird... :)

  2. Gracias por la reseña. Tomó nota te mando un beso.

  3. This sounds like a beautiful book. 💙📘


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