Monday, November 13, 2023

Friendsgiving Story


"DEER SEASON!" Cara could only think of the horror. She backed into the kitchen counter of their small apartment, covering her mouth. Who did such a thing? "Seriously?" her eyes practically bulged as she looked at Kenny. Her sweet little Kenny was going deer hunting on Thanksgiving.

"Well, it's you know..a work thing," he nodded. Really, he didn't look like he wanted to go. "There are over 430,000 deer in the state of Nebraska." He quoted.

"So what does this mean?" She did have her stepfamily Thanksgiving to go to. 

"We'll have Friendsgiving," he shrugged and poured himself another cup of coffee. 

"What?" She didn't know the concept. Friendsgiving at work.

"You know, the guys want to," Kenny mentioned all the guys were going to do this in their department.

She winced, "But..but you'll be together." She didn't get it.

"Look, we will be freezing our butts off," Kenny made it sound like it was war instead of a team-building experience. "We need some togetherness before the big day."

Cara nodded. Yes, she was thankful she didn't have to go. She went to heat the muffins in the air fryer. Suddenly, she remembered her dad and deer hunting. She made a face of disgust. 

"My dad always hunted on Thanksgiving," She remembered when she was little. She even watched him skin a deer.

"Oh, we don't have to do that. We'll take them in to be processed and the meat will go to a foodbank for those in need." Kenny mentioned. "I doubt I even shoot one." Although, he'd had to the shooting range for a class on gun safety. He reminded her shooting a target on paper was far different from the real thing. 

"But, it'll be good to have this Friendsgiving at work," Kenny didn't look too sad about missing Thanksgiving. "We'll need to bring some canned goods and Thanksgiving staples to the foodbank."

Cara nodded. Yes, Thanksgiving was a giving time. 

"Oh, and I signed you up to help at The Mission for the Thanksgiving lunch," Kenny said she'd have plenty of time to spend with family later in the day.

Cara winced and hugged herself. Maybe they were both growing up. She laid out the breakfast then. They sat down to muffins, fruit and coffee.

"What do you have for Friendsgiving?" Cara guessed it was practically Thanksgiving with friends.

"Anything is fine," Kenny smiled. "You didn't go last year, but Monica made some great enchiladas. And I really liked the sourdough that Mike brought."

Cara was still learning to make pie.

"Oh, don't do that," Kenny cracked up. "We'll just buy some pies from Baker's. You know, you don't have the time." He knew her so well. After all, she was the twenty-minute cook. Usually, that meant texting in an order from somewhere. Although, she did have a way with Kraft boxed dinners.

That was a relief to Cara, but still, she promised she'd make a veggie tray. Everyone seemed to forget about the veggies.


  1. Gotta have a veggie tray. And I had to laugh about calling in food and Kraft boxes :) That's my idea of cooking too, sometimes... take out.

    I am doing better. Still feel pretty rotten but at least I got online today. Pretty sure it's Covid but haven't taken a test. Jade Palace sounds SO good. I know what you mean about prices, KFC is ridiculous! We had the same recently, it was like $50

  2. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  3. It's so good to hear from Cara and Kenny again! And I'm with Cara; I was surprised to hear that Kenny's going hunting! Although once he explained that it was a work thing, it made more sense. Also, it's good that they're donating the meat to charity. I like the part where Kenny says that Cara doesn't have to bake any pies for Friendsgiving. Not every lady likes to bake! 🥧🥧🥧

    Speaking of deer, we've seen quite a few in our yard this week. They're beautiful but always make me a little sad because I know they're scrounging for food. 🦌🦌🦌

    1. Yes, the deer population is a sad topic. Where I grew up, my dad explained to me how they had so many during a harsh drought in the hill country so they were killed since many got diseases. He was always the guy who skinned and processed the meat. He seldom hunted. Although, he would always have to hunt for the deer my grandfather would kill and that might take all day. Oh, the hardships of being a farmer and rancher. On the upside, our neighbor goes hunting for charity..and when I found out how many deer were in our state..WOW..yes, we have them in our yard too. Oh, and they do love popped popcorn BTW.


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