Sunday, November 12, 2023

Oh My Harley


Or Carrie....

I have loved this faceclaim from SHEIN for a while now, but I haven't seen her in any of the new campaigns on the site. So..I wondered if she might show up on Forever21 since many of the faceclaims I use for characters show up there, too. Still nothing. And then I came across her on the site Wonder Noah and a British clothing place ARCANA ARCHIVE. Of course, I love how she is becoming a sensation of style. I can only wish her more awesome moments in modeling!


  1. She is so nice!
    Thanks for sharing ♥

  2. Es muy linda. Te mando un beso.

  3. Congrats on hunting down Harley! I agree that she has amazing style. I hope Brick realizes how lucky he is . . .

    Also, that's awful that you got lost a time or two on your road trip. It's the worst when you're not even in your own state. Thankfully, that's all water under the bridge. Or, more to the point, in the rearview mirror. 🚗🚗🚗


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