Friday, November 17, 2023

On Profile



Name: Justin Beane

age: 26 Lives: With his doppleganger, born Kingston Upon Hull, UK studys: Undeclared. he really isn't a reader, yet he likes to decipher things like a puzzle when he's in new places, and gets to know the landmarks and the locals. siblings: none relationship: single Likes: traveling, meeting new people, languages, always wanted a cat, observing how people live and food from other countries, but not at home. If he is home after his travels, he is hidden away gaming. Hates: His anxieties, people make him nervous, he is uncertain about many things and his own capabilities. Traits: Friendly, but not very serious, he doesn't really feel close to anyone back home, yet he feels closest to someone he met online (Ari). He can't keep a job. He's been cut off from his folks because his travels are far more expensive than they anticipated. His last hope is Ari who got him to come to the States. BIO: Grew up in Hull, played rugby and soccer. He was a kid who needed a lot of sports because he was so active. He didn't really learn to read until he was almost ten and even then it was a struggle. He did take to choir and can read music. He used to have an old guitar his uncle gave him and for a time played it diligently, but when it didn't pan out with any of his auditions with his music friends. He gave up. Known for a looker. One might realize he doesn't have much substance, and yet he has run into some substance abuse over time.


  1. Ah we get the scoop on Justin! Interesting. I'm a little apprehensive how this is going to, with ari's life in the States... I hope he's not trouble for ari and gang.

    1. I'm so glad I was right about the DLR lyrics! I was so happy to see those. I'm really not sure about Dory. And I'm REALLY interested where Justin goes. I'm worried for Ari. But it's nice getting your insights into how these characters came round.

      We're having green bean casserole too. I asked my daughter what snacks she wanted and she said frosted cookies ha

  2. Uy me ha gustado conocer a este personaje. Te mando un beso.

  3. Oh, this is something! The 411 on Justin! The last sentence is the clincher:

    "One might realize he doesn't have much substance, and yet he has run into some substance abuse over time."

    Hmm. I wonder what this will mean for Ari? ❓🤔


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