Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Third Wheel


I just couldn't finish it. I couldn't. I tried. I really did. It was..frankly, quite shallow and altogether trite. I dunno what I was expecting..but I could have taken it places that it did not go. If that wasn't enough, the dialogue did not help..even the way it was written.

Of course, I wanted a bromance of some kind, but OH NO.  It was just ...um, a chore to read.

The book came out in 2022 but has certainly been making the rounds on Kindle. Do you really want to know what it was about?

In this madcap tale from the bestselling author of Dumped, Actually, two’s company for Jake and his bestie Sy. But three? A disaster!

Jake Carlisle is living his best life, thanks to the crazily successful influencer channel he created with his best friend Sy. Reviewing whacky hobbies and adrenaline-fuelled adventures, Sy has pushed Jake into doing more exciting stuff than either ever thought possible. Then disaster strikes.

When newbie Helena joins the team, Sy quickly falls head over heels for her…All of a sudden, with romance blossoming and the business dynamic shifting, Jake is horrified to find himself becoming the dreaded third wheel.

Being the odd one out was not what he signed up for. And he’ll do anything to get his best friend back—even if that involves a little light sabotage, an unhealthy amount of jealousy…and one very unfortunate pair of tartan Speedos.

Will Jake be relegated to the background from now on? Or will he finally learn to stand on his own two feet and succeed at getting his life—along with his friendship—back on track?


  1. Gracias por la reseΓ±a. TomΓ³ nota. Te mando un beso.

  2. "one very unfortunate pair of tartan Speedos."?! Oh my! That chuckle aside, I know what you mean about having to sometimes abandon a book. I used to be very against this, thinking it meant a lack of fortitude on my part. But now I realize that my time is valuable and that some books are just bad and not worth of it. Here's to finding a winner next time! πŸ˜πŸ“•πŸ“™πŸ“’πŸ“—πŸ“˜


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