Sunday, September 29, 2024

It's almost Ocotober


And we are practically in a heatwave. Which is sad. Fall doesn't feel like fall quite yet. I haven't had a chance to write on some stories that I have wanted. The RP situation I'm in isn't exactly my favorite. It isn't because it's a lesbian couple, but the lack of freedom to explore the character and her complicated life. I don't feel for these characters like I do Ren and Wade. And I hope to be branching out with more in the cast and their POVs.

 It felt like a long week with shifting books. I finally got my flu shot. It hurt a little, but not bad. I guess I should get the COVID  vaccine soon. I had them together last year and that was not good for me, last year. Generally, I try to get vaccines started in early September, but many tell me to wait. Although, it seems many co-workers get it by October. 

I did find another Barbie at ROSS yesterday. I don't think I have this facemold. She came with a guitar, a mic, and some fabulous pink boots! As well she is with a Chelsea. I am trying to resist. Its not like a spend a fortune. Still, accumulation is a bad thing. My hope is to get better at making them OAK Barbies. Also, I need to sew more Barbie clothes too.

I actually cooked this weekend. Not that I go out much. But it's good to use the stove instead of the microwave.

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