Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Summer feels


Probably by now you know it's hot. A heatwave surges through the states. As they say, a great time to be indoors. Fingers crossed I am over RSV and won't have another bout of steroids. It seems we are on more hormone therapy than ever before. Even so, one more thing to increase the blood sugar.

I have had a chance to go back on Trulicity, but have decided to stay on just the one med since who knows when it might be taken off the market again. Besides, my stomach feels so much better without it and I have to be on it for months before it might help my blood sugar. Recently, while waiting at the pharmacy I spoke to someone waiting for the same kind of meds and she said she would never go back on it again. Like her, she has lost weight but it isn't lowering the blood sugar.

The Children's Reading Program will end in about two weeks. I have missed some of it, due to being sick. Although, it has been fun seeing little ones light up to spin the wheel. I love that line from a little one yelling at the library, "Where's my Wheel of Fortune?" In our case, it means small prizes and usually a good book to read. They enter slips for grand prizes which won't be announced until August. 

Of course, this is our white season of fashion. And many of us are still looking for the perfect slipons. I will confess I found some shower shoes at the grocery store in the kid's section that fit my feet perfectly. Here, I think you could wear summer well into October. But who wants to do that?


  1. Thanks for the update.-Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  2. I am hoping my new post will be soon! How are you? I have to catch up AGAIN. I was up north over the weekend and it was so nice, but hot. Went kayaking. I hope you're feeling better.

  3. Ellie, medicamento é uma faca de dois gumes, conserta uma coisa e desconserta outra, é bom ver se o medicamento causa mais bem que mal, senão não compensa. Acho que vc já notou isso. Boa sorte no verão! Beijos nas bochechas! :)

  4. Ten un genial verano, t e mando un beso


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