Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

Still in Del Rio. The cold blast made it here, yet it's in the 40s which isn't too bad. Very windy with some rain. 

I was able to see John Huston's Wise Blood. If you ever get a chance to see this classic film with such a great script, please do. It's about a young man who set out to be a preacher after WW 2. It's based on Flannery O'Connor's book. Really, a unique cast and the cinematography is perfect.  Also caught Wait Until Dark. That has been decades since I last saw that classic. Honestly, it's a short film.

I am almost done with GUYS NAMED BOB. Truly, it is creepy. I just realized it was written in 2018. I thought it was an older book. Engstrom has a way of keeping it real. It honestly is of an earthy nature which I know that might put some off. There are a few players in this, but it boils down to Darlene, almost 50 stranded with Bob the tattoo artist in the outback of Oregon. The rain just keeps pouring, and the people who brought her there, are not coming back because of various reasons. Her ex-husband is trying to take matters into his own hands, while their adult children are cross with him about what he's done. It is essentially a real thriller.

All the best to a safe Halloween where ever you are.


  1. Happy Halloween!!!!

    It's snowing here!!

    1. Yes sNOW. Although it's gone now. Haloween was fREEZING. It's been a crazy day I wasn't even online Wed. Are you on the way back?

  2. Feliz Halloween. Te mando un beso.

  3. Hoje aqui é dia de finados.
    Como foi seu dia das bruxas?
    Ane/A Lua e Eu 🌺


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