Friday, November 3, 2023

Good to be back


Great to be in my space. Although, I am totally exhausted.

I am not as ready for the road as I used to be. It was an exhausting 2 days on the road after a very tiring time visiting relatives. 

Sometimes, I feel I'm a real Debbie Downer, but I know others in the family who would not have stayed where I stayed. They would have opted for being at a nice hotel. 

The weather was hot at first..and the house was even hotter since the grandparents are so cold. Needless to say, I was in a sweat. And somebody wanted to cook. Although, with her Parkinson's, she easily falls.

However, she does have a nice and simple kitchen with an electric oven. Actually, I cooked. She supervised. In the process, I learned some sad news about Gramps. But one might wonder, was she making that up?

He really is in good shape and can drive like a NYC cab driver in all that traffic to get to the grocery store. He knows all the back streets..and even how to get around in Acuna.

Still, our accommodations were the bare essentials. I slept there because it was cooler than being inside. Later a Cold Front moved in and it was pretty darn cold..yet good sleeping weather too. 

I dunno if I want to make this trip again. I feel they won't be closer unless their health gets worse. The rest of the family lives where I live.

I won't lie, but it was like looking after a couple of six-year-olds. They love their carbs and sweets. The day was long long coffee and tea break. While all I really needed was a big salad.

She did end up in the ER after a fall and a cut on her head. She ended up with five staples. But she has a hard head. Nobody listened to me.


  1. It's hard with family and health stuff. I'm so sorry to hear about the fall! Glad to hear you're back though.

    I don't think I'm doing NaNo this time. I've never done it I feel like with Joon's story I'm already around 30k words roughly, but that doesn't count. Too bad I didn't start it in Nov!

    Thank you so much for your comments! I don't know if I'd like the writers group either. I mean, they can support, but at the same time I could be spending that time writing! :) I think if I did NaNo it would detract from the stuff I am writing... and I appreciate your support since my creative juices have been lower last week...

    1. Exactly, the same feeling..I could be writing. Some of the best of times I have had is online writer's groups. Where you submitted your work to the moderator and we discuss one person's work once a month. So sometimes, that might take the whole year, and in that group, you might find someone you trusted and wanted their feedback on certain projects. I had met quite a few writers over the decade that way. Of course, in the beginning I had a couple that just hated anything I did..yet they would anything new to send me? Although, the trend from the group I saw last night, poetry and dark fantasy. Unfortunately, I have a feeling they are more talk than anything. But, oh well.

    2. Oh no. Part of me likes dark fantasy but I don't know abut writing it. I think an online group would be better as well. I'm such an introvert though I probably wouldn't do it. Unless it was people I trusted really.

    3. I hope you revisit Cherry Blossoms. Great name BTW. And Holly & Stevie. That sounds like a very meaningful inspiration.

      Thank you for the kind words as well. I haven't written in like a week- life just got crazy and no time. But... I have ideas :)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you made it home safe and sound! And that you got to spend some time with your grandparents, even if it was sad and hard. Although as always, your sense of humor shines through! 🏠🌞

  3. Uy pobrecita. Te mando un beso.


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