Sunday, October 29, 2023

Notes from the road

 I made my destination to the border......

I got to witness a woman fall in her walker in front of the MacDonald's drive through. All I could do was hold her shoes. Thankfully a guy could help her up. Also at a rest area was a vending machine for the Fentinoyl antidote. Scary things out here, for sure. And for awhile I was in no Wifi land..but it's nicer here on the border. I think..maybe..ugh...

I got to witness a domestic dispute at 5 in the morning at Whataburger. Just as the cops arrived they made up. Oh, and my stay at Le Quinta end brought back of the time I thought I walked into the remains of a brothel or perhaps a Trucker's one night stand..but that's another story...

Oh, I did not sleep a wink last night, but here's hoping for a better night to night. We shall see.




  1. Sounds like a very active trip! I stayed at the hotel chain in Florida. Wow what's going on there?

    Hope you're having a better night!

  2. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  3. Oh, sad about that lady. I'm glad you were there to help.

  4. Siempre es bueno ayudar. Te mando un beso.

  5. Ellie, you have seen some things! And I'm so glad you were there to help that woman; I'm sure she was very grateful. I just know that the threads of these experiences will show up in your stories. The possibilities are endless! 🌵🚗😮


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