Monday, October 23, 2023

Huck & Rachel


"Are we there yet?" Huck asked. They had crossed the Iowa border some time ago. Just how big was this state?

"It won't be long," Rachel promised. She was at the helm. Of course, he had called Jamie when they got to the state line. Yes, he was in high gear. He just couldn't help it.

He was tired of fast food, but there had been plenty of sweet nights with Rachel along the way. He felt he knew her better than anyone else on earth. Yes, they were a couple of now. And he knew with certainty he was her significant other.

Of course, he didn't want to nag her with questions. Obviously, he was not her first lover. Her ex was in Iowa. It made him a little uneasy, but he wasn't going to be ugly about it. Still, he hoped they didn't meet anytime soon.

Finally, they were at the Davenport city limits. Honestly, it was so foreign to him. Not a beach in sight. Just a river. And it looked so calm. "Well, we haven't had the rain like we used to," Rachel said about the matter. Huck nodded. He didn't really want to know about the weather. He just wanted to be on her street. Would he easily get lost? Honestly, he knew he was bad with directions. Or so his so-called brother had told him so. 

As soon as she parked in the driveway, Huck was certain he was a fish out of water. Her brother Noah met them soon enough. He was full of grins and hugged her then Huck.

"I'm so glad you're home," Noah sighed. Huck was certain he'd ask Rachel to cook him something or clean the house. But he wasn't alone. She was too young to be their mother.

Her name was Gretta. Although, Huck didn't think the name fit her. She looked to still be in high school. But she really kept the house cozy and she had a roast beef dinner waiting for them.

"I heard it was your favorite," Gretta said to Rachel.

"That's my brother's favorite," Rachel smiled.

"Oh, do tell me? I'll try to make something you like," shes said.

"It's fine," she put her arm around Huck. "Where's Mom?" Rachel looked at Noah.

"Um, off with her boyfriend, somewhere." It was then they found out that her mother didn't live there anymore. Noah was on his own with Gretta.


  1. Nossa, a mãe foi embora com o namorado!
    Que coisa! Abraços! Boa semana! :)

  2. Me gusta Rachel Geniales personajes. Te mando un beso

  3. How big was this state? :)

    "Not a beach in sight"

    Nice to meet her brother and Gretta. I don't know, that roast beef is calling. But this is so fun seeing Huck and Rachel start a mew life

  4. Very interesting. So the tricky Noah has caught himself a Gretta! I can't wait to see how this one plays out . . . 🚗🤔

    Thanks so much for using my leaves in the collage! I love how they're next to the jack-o'-lantern! 🍂🎃


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